Trentino-alto Adige : Find out about the best hotels

Trentino-alto Adige : A selection of the best hotels and accommodation

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best pet-friendly hotels in Trentino-alto adige?
We understand how important it is to be able to travel with your pets.
We are pleased to offer options for this at several of our hotels located in the area.
Below are some of the pet-friendly hotels: Swadeshi Parc Hotel Posta, Swadeshi Hotel Perla .
Do not hesitate to contact these establishments directly to find out their conditions of reception of animals before your reservation
What are the best hotels in Trentino-alto adige with a pool?
Several hotels in the Trentino-alto adige area offer swimming pools, such as Swadeshi Parc Hotel Posta.
To find the hotel that best suits your needs, we also recommend using our filter by specifying Pool.
This will allow you to filter our offers and discover the hotels with outdoor and/or indoor swimming pool that best meet your expectations.
What are the cheapest hotels in Trentino-alto adige?
We offer competitive rates at all our hotels in the area. However, if you are looking for the cheapest hotels in Trentino-alto adige, we recommend the following properties:
Swadeshi Hotel Perla, Swadeshi Parc Hotel Posta. We also invite you to check out our last-minute offers , as well as our early booking offers.
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A network of hospitality and restaurant professionals at your service and ready to help you.

All of the hotels and restaurants that are independent of the Logis hotel-restaurants network in Trentino-alto Adige are driven by the same values of tradition and quality.

Whether coming for a business trip or simply spending a few days at a hotel in Trentino-alto Adige, you can count on a warm welcome and quality accommodations.

Members of the Federation Inteationale des Logis Hôtels put their professionalism and expertise at your service in the department in the Trentino-alto Adige, and everywhere in Italy.

You will really enjoy our restaurants while staying at a hotel in Trentino-alto Adige. Check our accommodation options based on your destination department and reserve your hotel directly and safely on our website by choosing a city from the list presented in the right-hand column.