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9 results found near Lorient, France

result found near Lorient, France

results found near Lorient, France

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Best price guarantee

Tourism tax not included
couchon ETIK loyalty program: 5.5% of your stay, credited to your loyalty account
Total applies to the accommodation and eligible rates: standard rates, overnight stopover.Some rates are not eligible for the loyalty programme: promotions, packages, group or negotiated rates, gift packages
See terms and conditions

Best price guarantee

Tourism tax not included
couchon ETIK loyalty program: 5.5% of your stay, credited to your loyalty account
Total applies to the accommodation and eligible rates: standard rates, overnight stopover.Some rates are not eligible for the loyalty programme: promotions, packages, group or negotiated rates, gift packages
See terms and conditions

Best price guarantee

Tourism tax not included
couchon ETIK loyalty program: 5.5% of your stay, credited to your loyalty account
Total applies to the accommodation and eligible rates: standard rates, overnight stopover.Some rates are not eligible for the loyalty programme: promotions, packages, group or negotiated rates, gift packages
See terms and conditions

Best price guarantee

Tourism tax not included
couchon ETIK loyalty program: 5.5% of your stay, credited to your loyalty account
Total applies to the accommodation and eligible rates: standard rates, overnight stopover.Some rates are not eligible for the loyalty programme: promotions, packages, group or negotiated rates, gift packages
See terms and conditions

Best price guarantee

Tourism tax not included
couchon ETIK loyalty program: 5.5% of your stay, credited to your loyalty account
Total applies to the accommodation and eligible rates: standard rates, overnight stopover.Some rates are not eligible for the loyalty programme: promotions, packages, group or negotiated rates, gift packages
See terms and conditions

Best price guarantee

Tourism tax not included
couchon ETIK loyalty program: 5.5% of your stay, credited to your loyalty account
Total applies to the accommodation and eligible rates: standard rates, overnight stopover.Some rates are not eligible for the loyalty programme: promotions, packages, group or negotiated rates, gift packages
See terms and conditions

Best price guarantee

Tourism tax not included
Total applies to the accommodation and eligible rates: standard rates, overnight stopover.Some rates are not eligible for the loyalty programme: promotions, packages, group or negotiated rates, gift packages
See terms and conditions

Best price guarantee

Tourism tax not included
couchon ETIK loyalty program: 5.5% of your stay, credited to your loyalty account
Total applies to the accommodation and eligible rates: standard rates, overnight stopover.Some rates are not eligible for the loyalty programme: promotions, packages, group or negotiated rates, gift packages
See terms and conditions

Best price guarantee

Tourism tax not included
couchon ETIK loyalty program: 5.5% of your stay, credited to your loyalty account
Total applies to the accommodation and eligible rates: standard rates, overnight stopover.Some rates are not eligible for the loyalty programme: promotions, packages, group or negotiated rates, gift packages
See terms and conditions

Enjoy unique experiences in the hotels and restaurants.

Hotel experiences
Logis Cosy

An inviting, cocooning atmosphere

Logis Elégance

Step into a world full of harmony

Logis d’Exception

All the excellence of a truly exceptional setting

Logis Essentiel

Logis comfort and quality at the best price

Restaurant experiences
Restaurant de terroir

Regional cuisine with a really friendly feel

Restaurant Gourmand

Generous cooking in a wonderful setting

Restaurant Savoureux

The pleasure of fine cuisine

Table Distinguée

When art meets gourmet food

Table d’Exception

A unique experience at the restaurant of a great chef

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